
Xircuits 1.6 Release:Project Templates

Muhammad Fahreza Alghifari
7 Oct 2022

With the Xircuits 1.6 update, we are excited to showcase the Xircuits Project Templates.

A Xircuits template is a project repository that utilizes Xircuits as its engine. Unlike Xircuits component libraries which are framework focused, a Xircuits project template is more focused on use case implementation. Running a project template it is very simple:

And you’re good to go! The repository project will provide you with everything you will need to kickstart. Launch Xircuits and perform complex tasks by leveraging our workflow templates. You can then easily finetune the settings and extend the components for your own projects!

For the release, we have open-sourced 7 project templates, which includes:

  1. Image classification
  2. Iris classification
  3. Face detection
  4. Chatbot
  5. Semantic segmentation
  6. Speech recognition
  7. Handwritten digit recognition

The Xircuits project template list will be constantly updated, so do check it out from time to time. Developers are more than welcome to submit their own templates. We’ve provided the guide here